Nothing Kept Secret


About Me

How come something
So simple
Can be so hard
Even when we need it most?
Who knows...

Why can't life give us
A break from everything
Once in a while?
Is that so hard?
I guess so...

Where is everyone
Who said they'd be here
When I would need them?
Is life that cruel?
I guess it is...

What ever happened
To the easy times
Where all we could
Do is smile?
All gone...

Why is this so hard to do?
Why can't I just curl my lips
Into a simple half-hearted smile
At my time of need?
Guess I'm that helpless...

Why can't life
Just give us a break?
We don't deserve this
Not me at least.
I never did anything wrong...

Why can't life smile
For me for a change?
Why must it continually frown
And rain on my happiness?
It's just that cruel...

Was there happiness
To begin with?
Or was it a twisted illusion
Played up by life?
Maybe so...

How come my mouth
Won't obey the simplest
Of commands
When it is all I need?
It hates me...

I just want to smile
I just want a little break
From all these problems
Just so I can smile.
I must be asking too much...

Is there something wrong with me?
Or is like just that cruel?
We all deserve to smile
Once in awhile.
I think so...

I just need to learn
How to smile again
In moments like these
When I need it most.
It can't be that hard...

Why can't life just
Give me a break
Once in awhile?
Or at least a smile?
I am not asking much...

All I need is a simple smile
Or two
To keep me from breaking
Into a thousand pieces.
Just one little smile...

I just need a smile...
Just one simple smile...
So why won't life give me a break?
And let me smile for a change?

...I just need one smile...

Nothing kept hidden...