Nothing Kept Secret


About Me

Walking down the street
Trying to hear something
Other than the thoughts
In my head

Head cocked to one side
Ears straining to hear something
To hear anything
Then it comes

I spin on my worn soles
Only to turn
To see nothing but leaves
Blowing across the side walk, whispering

How much longer can I walk
In this detached world
Using the thoughts in my head
As company?

The gentle breeze
That gently ruffles my hair
Like a lover's playful hands
I have never felt

It whispers my name to me
Telling me to run
Run run run
As fast as I can

Run to nowhere
Run to everywhere
Run with abandoned
But do not stop

The sea of people seem to part
Like the red sea did to Moses
As I run
Run run run

Never stopping
Never ending
Running to everywhere
And to nowhere at the same time

The ground soon leaves my feet
Floating above the crowd
I can hear it
The gentle melody of my youth
Floating around me

I stop running, closing my eyes
The sound envelops me
Like the loving arms of a mother
I had never known

Floating floating floating
I can feel the song slowly take me
I can see the people becoming ants
As I follow the sound

I shake my head, clearing my thoughts
I look down at the people
And see a lonely child, crying
Crying out to me without words

I begin to run again
Running running running
I come crashing to earth
The song fading into the distance

I shake my head and look around
I am no longer black and white
But colorful like them
No more feelings of helpless abandon

Run run run
The breeze tells me
Run run run
So I run

My feet cannot stop
I do not know where I am going
But I run
Run right to that child

Then I realize
As I help this poor soul
Find something I never had
I slowly hear something in the distance

The music picks up
Carried on the breeze
My head tilts to the sound
As I slowly begin to run once more

Joy fills me as I run
Wind cutting through my hair
Whistling by my ears
With such joyful music

I keep running
I don't know where I am going
But I must keep going
I must never stop

Someone needs me out there
And for them
I will keep running
Running running running...

Nothing kept hidden...