Nothing Kept Secret


About Me

Staring at the painfully blue sky
I try to grab the sun
But fail and only grab the air
Left to wonder if I will ever reach it

My brain is reeling with questions
Unable to grasp a steady footing.
I am left to wonder
What I am doing this for?

Is everything I dream
Just that?
Is everything I am
Some deformed code that melts down to nothing?

The gentle breeze
That forces my hair over my eyes
Makes me wonder
How blind we really are.

Outstretched arms that can never catch anything
Fingers that try to grasp passing moments
Latching onto nothing but emptiness
Sometimes I wonder...

Is everything I hope
Just a pipedream?
Is everything I do
For nothing and sending me towards the same fate as everyone else?

Trapped in this world
Surrounded by one-way glass walls
Unable to do anything
Unable to reach out and grasp.

The painfully hot sun
That burned the wings of wax down
Proving we are not meant to fly
We are forever bound to be tedious.

Is everything we are
Just the same?
Is everything we do
Mindless tasks?

Confined, sealed and packaged
Ready to do whatever
On this supposed free will
That really isn't free

Confined and written
Programmed and commanded
The world is on a one track
Way down down down

Is everything that meaningless?
Is everything that pointless?
Outstretching these hands to the sky
And grasping only air and dust

On a one way track
Down down down
Down down down
Down the pipedream of life.

On a one way track
Down down down
On the pipedream of life.
The pipedream of life.

Nothing kept hidden...